
Kiinteistönluovutuksen huomautuslaji

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[Not available in English]
Kiinteistönluovutuksen huomautuslaji
[Not available in English]
Kiinteistönluovutuksen huomautuslaji
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Code list values

Label Parent Governance level Status
The conveyance includes movable property Valid
The unseparated parcel is transferred to the owner of the register unit Valid
Share owned by seller/s was conveyed Valid
The area has several purposes on the plan Valid
The area has several purposes Valid
Exchange for shares Valid
Prohibition on building Valid
A land use agreement is linked to the conveyance Valid
The preliminary agreement applies to one or more unseparated parcels with no identifier Valid
An unseparated parcel has been withheld in connection with the conveyance Valid
The total building right is specified in the plan provisions Valid
Exchange for leasehold Valid
Expropriation of rented plot Valid